Buschman Creates Five Powerful New Coating Calcu... Buschman Introduces Drawdown Boards for Laborato... Buschman Introduces New Metering Rod Installatio...
7 Ways to Optimize Paper Coating with a Rod Mete... The Advantages of Smaller Metering Rods: Balanci... How to Monitor and Measure Metering Rod Service ... More…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lobortis vitae arcu eget sodales. Maecenas ut consectetur nisi. Vivamus purus elit, laoreet sed odio et, pulvinar blandit purus. Aenean a eros elit. Mauris et sollicitudin lectus, a volutpat leo. Vivamus nec finibus justo, et vestibulum tellus. Integer sodales ac tellus sit amet molestie. In dictum nibh id mi aliquam mollis.

Etiam gravida magna lacus. Maecenas aliquam purus quis neque faucibus, vitae fringilla tellus vestibulum. Vestibulum eget mi libero. Pellentesque ullamcorper blandit libero, at pretium risus interdum ut. Quisque dictum nulla eget vulputate condimentum. Cras rutrum dui a sapien ullamcorper, sit amet euismod dolor gravida. Praesent in tellus at quam placerat aliquet. Sed et facilisis tortor. Praesent ut dignissim nibh.

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How to Order

Our engineering team will work with you to customize long-lasting metering rods for your application. Call us or use our online form to request a quote.

Call us at +1 216 431 6633


Buschman Delivers Consistent Quality

“It’s all about the quality of the rod we’re using to meter the product onto the paper. Without the proper rod application, your coating isn’t going to lay properly. Buschman has a quality product that performs the way it’s supposed to and they get it to us when we need it. They consistently meet all our expectations.”

Coated Products Manager
International Packaging Paper Producer

The Supplier of Choice for Coating Rods

“The quality of Buschman’s products is excellent. In the ten years we’ve been purchasing coating rods from them, we’ve had maybe two or three issues and they are minor issues. For the number of coating rods we purchase, that’s incredible. Their quality has been so high and they work so well with us that we don’t even consider looking at other vendors for our coating rod needs.”

Purchasing Manager
Leading Packaging Paper Producer in Southern US

Quality, Performance & Responsiveness

“Buschman’s service is outstanding. You don’t find that anymore. If we need something custom tweaked through Buschman, they’re more than willing to sit down with us and do so. They have quality, performance, and great delivery time and they’re very responsive to our needs. They go above and beyond. They’re first class.”

Coating Manager
Leading U.S. Packaging Paper Plant

Consistent Quality

“Consistent quality is the number one requirement for me and that’s what Buschman delivers.”

Senior Manager
Multinational Paper Mill in Australia

Trusted for Superior Quality & Service

“The number one reason we work with Buschman is the product quality. The second reason is service. If we are running low on product, they’ll turn the world upside down to get us what we need. Buschman delivers product performance and customer service.”

Coated Products Manager
Prominent Packaging Paper Producer in Northern US

Going Above & Beyond for Customers

“We’ve used Buschman for well over ten years. Buschman goes above and beyond: The quality of materials, the finished goods, the on-time deliveries. They go out of their way to get us the product we need.”

Coating Manager
Large Converter in Northern US

Top Ratings for Quality Products & Service

“Since we’ve opened the doors here, we’ve worked and had a great partnership with Buschman. They are a very highly reputable company and we’re proof of that as a happy customer. We have a lot of trust and faith in Buschman, so we just give them gold stars.”

Production Manager
Large Multinational Packaging Paper Plant