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Buschman Issues Essential Business Statement

Written by Ross DeFelice

This letter shall certify that Buschman, located at 4100 Payne Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio 44103, qualifies as an “Essential Business and Operation” under the Stay at Home Order issued by the Director of the Ohio Department of Health on March 22, 2020 (the “SAH Order”).

Specifically, Section 12(v) of the SAH Order permits the continued operation of “manufacturing companies, distributors, and supply chain companies producing and supplying essential products and services in and for industries such as pharmaceutical,… biotechnology, healthcare, … food and beverage…national defense, as well as products used by other Essential Businesses and Operations.”

The SAH Order also incorporates the Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers During COVID-19 Response issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (“CISA”) on March 19, 2020 (the “CISA Memorandum”).  The CISA Memorandum contains the following guidance issued by the President of the United States on March 16, 2020:

“If you work in a critical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, such as healthcare services and pharmaceutical and food supply, you have a special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule.”

The CISA Memorandum sets forth a list of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” who are “needed to maintain the services and functions Americans depend on daily and that need to be able to operate resiliently during the COVID-19 pandemic response.” (CISA Memorandum, page 3)  This list includes those employed in the “Critical Manufacturing” sector, which is defined as “workers necessary for the manufacturing of materials and products needed for medical supply chains, transportation, energy, communications, food and agriculture, chemical manufacturing, nuclear facilities, the operating of dams, water and wastewater treatment, emergency services and the defense industrial base.” (CISA Memorandum, page 10)

Buschman manufactures and produces products used to apply liquid coatings to papers, films, foils, and corrugated cardboard boxes.  These coated products are used in the production and shipping of many essential products in the industries that have been designated as “critical” in the SAH Order and the CISA Memorandum.  By way of example, items manufactured by Buschman are utilized in the production and/or shipping of all the products listed in the chart below, which means that Buschman’s customers cannot continue to manufacture and ship these products if Buschman ceases operations.  Because of this, several of Buschman’s customers have notified us in writing that Buschman is considered an essential supplier in their supply chain.

Food and Agricultural
  • Shipping boxes used in the food and agricultural industries
  • Food and beverage packaging
  • Produce packaging
  • Linerboard packaging used for food (e.g., cereal boxes, frozen meal boxes, etc.)
  • Food labels
  • Paper-based meat packaging
  • Wax papers and deli papers
Healthcare/Public Health
  • Shipping boxes used in the healthcare and public health industries
  • Linerboard utilized in medical/pharmaceutical packaging
  • Drug delivery patches
  • Prescription drug packaging
  • Boxes for supplies such as facemasks and needles
  • Protective films for medical devices such as respirators
  • Paper used in hospital and medical office exam room
  • Health and personal care supplies
  • Cleaning products and other household necessities
  • Paperboard used for toilet paper and paper towel cores
  • Typing/copy paper

Finally, this letter shall certify that Buschman has and will continue to comply with the Social Distancing Requirements set forth in Sections 15(a) and 18 of the SAH Order as follows:

  • Designating with signage, tape or other means six-foot spacing to maintain appropriate distancing between employees;
  • Having hand sanitizer and sanitizing products readily available for employees;
  • Posting online whether our facility is open and how to reach us by phone or remotely during the time that the SAH Order is in effect;
  • Instructing employees to wash their hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds as frequently as possible throughout the day, and to use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available;
  • Instructing employees to cough and sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it in a touch-free receptacle. If no tissue is available, they are instructed to cough and sneeze into their sleeve or elbow, and not into their hands;
  • Regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces;
  • Implementing policies which allow employees to work remotely from home when possible;
  • Encouraging sick employees to stay home until they are free of fever (without the use of medication) for at least 72 hours (three full days) AND symptoms have improved for at least 72 hours AND at least seven days have passed since symptoms first began;
  • Ensuring that our sick leave policies are up to date, flexible and non-punitive to allow sick employees to stay home to care for themselves, children, or other family members;
  • Separating any employees who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms from other employees; sending them home immediately; and restricting their access to the facility until they have recovered;
  • Placing posters within the facility where employees can see them reinforcing the key messages—stay home when sick, use cough and sneeze etiquette, and practice good 3hand hygiene;
  • Providing supplies such as soap and water, hand sanitizer, tissues, and no-touch disposal receptacles for use by employees;
  • Frequently performing enhanced environmental cleaning of high-touch areas within our facility using cleaning agents that are usually used in these areas and following the direction on the label;
  • Providing disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces can be wiped down by employees before each use.

For any questions regarding the information in this letter, please contact either of the parties listed below.

Ross M. DeFelice
Office:  (216) 431-6633 Ext. 202
Mobile: (216) 401-7012

Wes Buschman
Operations Manager
Office:  (216) 431-6633 Ext. 204
Mobile: (216) 339-0612

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Top Ratings for Quality Products & Service

“Since we’ve opened the doors here, we’ve worked and had a great partnership with Buschman. They are a very highly reputable company and we’re proof of that as a happy customer. We have a lot of trust and faith in Buschman, so we just give them gold stars.”

Production Manager
Large Multinational Packaging Paper Plant

Trusted for Superior Quality & Service

“The number one reason we work with Buschman is the product quality. The second reason is service. If we are running low on product, they’ll turn the world upside down to get us what we need. Buschman delivers product performance and customer service.”

Coated Products Manager
Prominent Packaging Paper Producer in Northern US

Consistent Quality

“Consistent quality is the number one requirement for me and that’s what Buschman delivers.”

Senior Manager
Multinational Paper Mill in Australia

Going Above & Beyond for Customers

“We’ve used Buschman for well over ten years. Buschman goes above and beyond: The quality of materials, the finished goods, the on-time deliveries. They go out of their way to get us the product we need.”

Coating Manager
Large Converter in Northern US

Buschman Delivers Consistent Quality

“It’s all about the quality of the rod we’re using to meter the product onto the paper. Without the proper rod application, your coating isn’t going to lay properly. Buschman has a quality product that performs the way it’s supposed to and they get it to us when we need it. They consistently meet all our expectations.”

Coated Products Manager
International Packaging Paper Producer

Quality, Performance & Responsiveness

“Buschman’s service is outstanding. You don’t find that anymore. If we need something custom tweaked through Buschman, they’re more than willing to sit down with us and do so. They have quality, performance, and great delivery time and they’re very responsive to our needs. They go above and beyond. They’re first class.”

Coating Manager
Leading U.S. Packaging Paper Plant

The Supplier of Choice for Coating Rods

“The quality of Buschman’s products is excellent. In the ten years we’ve been purchasing coating rods from them, we’ve had maybe two or three issues and they are minor issues. For the number of coating rods we purchase, that’s incredible. Their quality has been so high and they work so well with us that we don’t even consider looking at other vendors for our coating rod needs.”

Purchasing Manager
Leading Packaging Paper Producer in Southern US